Saturday, 2 January 2010

DVD Cover - Crigger Nacker, Hold it down

(Click image to view full resolution)
This DVD cover was taken from a page on a web 2.0 community website, called MySpace. The music group promote themselves through web 2.0, and have recently published this DVD to promote themselves and the artists involved, which contains music videos and interviews of them.

The layout of the cover is really good, a large picture of the group at the bottom, infront of a graphic-based background, and text at an angle on the left side of the top half of the front cover.
The back cover contains mainly text, besides a graphic-based background which is similar to that used on the front page. The text is to advertise, and to get you to read it, with the use of different sized text placed in different locations so that it gets noticed.
Below is a short deconstruciton of the DVD cover's layout.

(Click image to view full resolution)

Due to the music group being in a stage of not being hugely known, this DVD cover is based on promotion, therefore alot of text has been used so that whoever gets their hands on this can read up about them, and see what's within the DVD.
For the front cover, the music group is the focal point of this, with them in the front, and there being a graphic-based image behind them. Text is placed above them to advertise the DVD and it's contents. A colour style of red white and black colours has been used throughout this cover, which works well in gaining attention to it and for using text.
The back cover contains solely text, to allow the viewer to know what's within the DVD before they watch it, due to how there's many different things inside. The text is slightly slanted to allow it to look effective, as it will catch your eye, but also allows room for slightly more text to be placed on the page.

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