Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Artist representation - T.I

The rap artist T.I is known for his skill in rapping and his music videos. Songs such as 'Dead and gone', 'Live your life', 'Rubberband man', 'What you know', 'Whatever you like' and many more. Each music video will have a different representation of the artist, there may be many representations in one single video, but each will tell a story about him.


For example, in this video above, T.I ft Rihanna - Live your life, the artist is first represented as a someone who has been beaten up by thugs, someone who possibly is with the wrong kind of people and has upset someone. He is then shown as the rich, upper class character, with the suit, with the white tie, that he was before he went to this 'meeting'. The story is represented in reverse, in order to make the viewer wonder why he is initially bleeding and by the looks of his motions and body, in pain.

If we were to compare this with T.I - What you know, we would see a comparison in the representation made here.


He is now represented as the 'thug' that were his enemies in the other video. We know this through the mise en scene and editing. He wears black clothing, with includes hoodies, balaclavas over the mouth,, and also wearing sunglasses to hide his identity. He then dresses up with this 'upper class' figure again, creating a comparison to his original appearance, but also showing how he hides his real identity to others when he meets them, as he wears a suit when he goes to a show.

Editing has also been used ot represent him as this 'thug' figure. As he is shown in motion punching, the screen shakes, as if he is a powerful figure and also dangerous. Slow motion is used as he turns his head, creating a suspicion about him, as it creates the appearence of being ghost-like. Also like every rap artist, his record label is advertised alot within the video, to show it off and get noticed.

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